Did you know that we specialize, and are probably the foremost expert in the country, in tax preparation for Consultants and Directors of the nation’s leading cosmetic company? Approximately 90% of our clients operate a home-based business, and approximately 90% of those are Independent Beauty Consultants, Sales Directors, Senior Sales Directors, Executive Senior Sales Directors and National to Executive National Sales Directors of this one company. We have created customized tax preparation worksheets and spreadsheets designed specifically for that business and it’s unique operating needs. Let us help you organize your records, take the stress out of preparing your taxes, and have you “Pay YOURSELF, not the IRS.”
Every year we put out a Client Newsletter to help our clients get the most out of the services we provide. And since we are making so many changes this year, EVERY CLIENT MUST READ THIS YEAR’S 2023 CLIENT LETTER.
Click below to read it and learn of all these changes and how they will affect the processing of your tax information.
2023 Client Letter
Jeff The Tax Man is back working on tax returns after honoring the passing of his father, Bill Peterson. Here is the link to the video of the Celebration of Life service he and his brothers had for their dad. Jeff is currently serving tax return client #223.
To find out your number in line reach out to us here.
Where’s My Refund